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The Tractor Wheel – SOLD


The same dynasty of farmers that brought you the “Sneaky Sack Truck” also supplied us with the raw material for our favourite and most testing upcycle to date.

As we proceeded to resurrect the giant object from its grassy grave, its shape and beauty revealed itself with each clump of dirt, moss patch and bramble we pulled from it. In that moment, a new and more fitting resting place for this old time farm yard work horse was conceived in my mind. Like mad scientists we scraped, sawed, hacked, axed, welded, sealed and polished until……………..it was ALIVE!!!

Tractor wheels are filled with salt water to add weight for traction and also act as an organic antifreeze in the winter months. This causes the oxidisation process to accrue at a quicker rate, in turn creating a beautiful autumn coloured rainbow effect in the metal as we brushed away the rust. Welding a cycler base to the underside and small stations to support the glass top have been done so to create the effect of floating. Achieving the aim of bringing the agricultural English style into the home in a big way.

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At Junk gypsies we offer a workshop to front door delivery service with no stops in-between for eager beavers! This service is chargeable per mile from Junk Gypsies HQ to your abode. We would also like to invite you to make the journey to HQ to enjoy a small tour and share a freshly brewed cuppa before you set off home.

Alternatively we are more than happy to liaise with a courier of your own choosing, or one of our frequently used couriers in order for you to receive delivery of your item(s). Junk Gypsies hold no responsibility for lost or damaged items delivered by self arranged couriers or services. Small robust items can be easily and safely be delivered by royal mail or a courier such as Parcelforce or Yodel.

Dimensions43 x 43 x 16 in


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